DIY Website blog

Do you need a website for your business, but don’t know where to start? Are you worried that hiring a web developer will be expensive and you won’t know where to start? This blog is for you! I’ll share everything you need to know to build your own website at a fraction of the cost.

Disclosure: Some of the links on this page are ‘affiliate links.’ This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

From the DIY Website Blog:

How to use images on your website

How to use images on your website

Okay, this one is deceptively simple, friends. You'd be surprised how often I build a great website, but the client has sent not-so-great images for me to use, and then they get mad at me when their website doesn't look the way they imagined it. The images you use on...

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WooCommerce vs. Shopify

WooCommerce vs. Shopify

WooCommerce vs. Shopify: Choosing the Right E-commerce Platform for Your Business In today's digital landscape, establishing an online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. E-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce and Shopify offer powerful tools to help...

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how to move from Blogger to WordPress

how to move from Blogger to WordPress

Transitioning Seamlessly: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Move from Blogger to WordPress Moving your blog from Blogger to WordPress can be a significant step towards enhancing your website's functionality, customization options, and overall user experience. While the...

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Which Platform is Right for You? When it comes to building a website or blog, WordPress is a name that often comes to mind. However, there can be some confusion surrounding the difference between and Both platforms offer powerful tools for...

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Site Loading Speed Basics

Site Loading Speed Basics

Why Website Loading Speed Matters: User Experience: Fast-loading websites provide a seamless browsing experience for visitors, leading to higher engagement, lower bounce rates, and increased conversion rates. Users expect websites to load quickly, and if they...

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Freelancer / Client Miscommunication – How to handle them

Freelancer / Client Miscommunication – How to handle them

I get it, I do. Miscommunications happen all the time when working together. It's a normal part of the client - freelancer relationship. But what do you do when a freelancer / client miscommunication happens? How do you get your project back on track while protecting...

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How to Start an Online Business

How to Start an Online Business

Do you want to start an online business? Maybe you’ve been thinking about this for a while, but just don’t know where to start. It can be really overwhelming, especially if you think you have to figure everything out before you even begin. But it can actually be...

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Categories & Tags in WordPress (how and why to use them)

Categories & Tags in WordPress (how and why to use them)

If you’re trying to build a blog, online store, or really any kind of website, you’ll probably want to organize your content at least a little. It might not matter so much in the beginning when your site is small and easily navigable, but as you grow and add pages and...

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what are keywords? 

what are keywords? 

Keywords are the building blocks of seo. So you might think, okay, well, I just need to get my website built and I can worry about seo later. And that’s true, to some extent. But if you can understand the concepts and pick a few keywords before you start, you’ll save...

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How to Choose a Freelancer on Upwork

How to Choose a Freelancer on Upwork

Okay, so you’re finally ready to build your website or start your project, yay! Don’t lose all that great momentum by getting bogged down trying to choose a freelancer to get the work done. There are tons and tons of freelancers on Upwork (myself included!), with a...

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Why does Good Web Hosting Matter?

Why does Good Web Hosting Matter?

If you’re new to building a website, you might be wondering, “Does good web hosting matter?” Can’t I just pick the cheapest one and it’s fine? I’ll just google ‘hosting’ and pick the first one that comes up. Or, use the one my ex gave me or the one my former web...

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basic plugins every WordPress website should have

basic plugins every WordPress website should have

Here are my recommendations for the free basic plugins every WordPress website should have: 1. Yoast SEO (free version) - for SEO tips, especially on blog posts For SEO, Yoast is one of the best resources out there. They have courses and a huge blog's worth of...

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How to Get Started Building a Website

How to Get Started Building a Website

Have an idea of what you want. I know, don't panic. Take a look at other websites in your field. Make a list of 3-5 that you LOVE and what you love about them. Keep them all as open tabs and look at them one after another... do you see any themes across their designs?...

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How to Pick a Domain Name

How to Pick a Domain Name

Okay, so you're finally going to stop procrastinating and start building your website, yay!! But all the good website names are already taken, boo! Or are they? There are plenty of good domain names out there, you just might have to get creative or be flexible with...

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SEO basics for new websites

SEO basics for new websites

SEO, search engine optimization, is an entire industry. Google makes and breaks entire companies with their algorithms and ranking systems. Larger companies have entire SEO teams who work full time on keeping their site at the top of the search. So what about us...

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What is WooCommerce?

What is WooCommerce?

The basics: Basically, WooCommerce is a free plug in. That means it's like an app that you can install on your WordPress website. When you add this 'app,' it creates a whole store on your website. WooCommerce adds functionality like displaying your products (digital...

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What is a WordPress theme and should I buy one?

What is a WordPress theme and should I buy one?

Building a website for your business is overwhelming. Often, people take the first few steps and then get stuck on something like trying to decide what WordPress theme to use. Don't let that happen to you! Yes, there are tons of decisions to make when setting up your...

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How to Add a Pop Up Window to Your Website

How to Add a Pop Up Window to Your Website

I'm sure you've been annoyed by pop up windows on other websites. But they exist for a reason! The truth is that a pop up window can be extremely effective. You can use pop ups to get visitors to sign up for your mailing list, to tell them about sales or promote...

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What I wish I knew when I started freelancing

What I wish I knew when I started freelancing

I'd say I officially started as a freelancer at the beginning of 2018. I did a WordPress bootcamp and learned a lot of code in mid 2017. (I share more about that in this post on how to become a freelance web developer.) Then, I had about 6 months of false starts and...

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How to Start an Online Store

How to Start an Online Store

Online business is more popular than ever, especially after the pandemic. I've had an online store (selling teaching resources) myself since 2012, and I've been building them for other people as a freelance web developer since 2017. And online stores are more popular...

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How to use Canva to Build a Website

How to use Canva to Build a Website

I love, love Canva. I use it daily for all of my different businesses. I’ve even been to skill shares at their headquarters in Sydney!  But did you even know you can use Canva to build a website? I didn’t know that until a client came to me and asked me to rebuild her...

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Upwork Scams and Red Flags: How to Avoid Them

Upwork Scams and Red Flags: How to Avoid Them

I love Upwork. I've been on the platform for over 6 years now and I'm very happy there. Of course, like any successful platform, though, there will always be some people who will take advantage. I've seen and heard about everything from unrealistic expectations to...

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How to Give your Website an Update

How to Give your Website an Update

I've been a professional web developer for over 6 years now, and this is one I get a lot! The internet isn't as new as it used to be. A lot of us have websites out there that we created back when blogging was just starting (remember 2008, anyone?). And now those...

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How to Use AI to Build a Website

How to Use AI to Build a Website

AI is everywhere these days, and everyone seems to have an opinion on it. Maybe you were wondering if AI could help you out and build your website for you (or at least give you a huge headstart)? How can AI help you build your website? >AI can help you write the...

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Should I use Wix for my Blog?

Should I use Wix for my Blog?

As a web developer and a blogger myself, my clients ask me all the time, "Should I use Wix for my blog?" The answer depends on what you want for the long term of your website. TL;DR: If you want something with a built-in website builder and you're willing to pay for...

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Shared Hosting vs. Cloud Hosting (2023)

Shared Hosting vs. Cloud Hosting (2023)

If you're new to web development or online business, you might hear a lot of fancy terms for hosting being tossed around. That can be confusing and overwhelming, even if you're not new to the internets. When I became a web developer years ago, I learned a ton about...

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What’s a landing page?

What’s a landing page?

If you're just starting out with your website, you might be seeing a lot of jargon being thrown around. Don't worry! I'm here to help you make sense of all of that, even if you hate technology! One thing you might have seen around is something called a 'landing page.'...

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Should I use Blogger for my website in 2024?

Should I use Blogger for my website in 2024?

If you're thinking of building a blog or website, you might be wondering: Should I use Blogger for my website in 2024, or is there a better option? As with most things on the internet, the answer is - it depends! Let's look at what Blogger is, the pros and cons of...

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How I Became a Divi Web Developer

How I Became a Divi Web Developer

How I got started as a freelance Divi web developer. When I first ventured into the tech world way back in 2017, I really didn't know what I wanted to do or where it would take me. At that point, I had already been traveling full time for 3 years. That whole time, I...

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How to Build a Menu in WordPress: WordPress Menu Basics

How to Build a Menu in WordPress: WordPress Menu Basics

The WordPress menu can be a huge source of frustration, especially for beginners. Before I became a web developer, I wanted to throw my laptop out the window more times than I’d like to admit because I just couldn’t figure out where to edit things. Luckily, you don’t...

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How to save money on your website

How to save money on your website

I get it. You're just starting out with your business, and you're short on time, money, and energy. I've been there. Multiple times, in fact! One of the reasons I became a web developer is because I wanted to save money on my own websites that I needed for my other...

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How to Test your Business Idea with a Basic Website 

How to Test your Business Idea with a Basic Website 

What if I’m not sure about my business and I just want to test it out? In this post, I'll show you how to test out your business idea with a basic website for less than $150. Starting a business and building a website can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be!...

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What Should I Put on My Homepage?

What Should I Put on My Homepage?

I taught fourth grade for over a decade. I remember the fear in some of the kids’ eyes when confronted with a blank page of paper and being asked to write something. Some of us have that same fear when it comes to dealing with a completely blank website. I totally get...

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How to Interview a Freelance Web Developer

How to Interview a Freelance Web Developer

DO: DO make sure they know the platform and theme you're using. There are lots of different ways to build a website. Back in the day, we built everything in straight code, in HTML and CSS. Nowadays, it doesn't really make sense to do that anymore. (Unless you have a...

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DIY Website Challenge

DIY Website Challenge

Welcome to the 10 day DIY Website Challenge!If you've decided to try DIY-ing your WordPress site (instead of hiring a freelance web developer to do it for you), you're in the right place. The goal is that, by the end of the challenge, you'll have your website all...

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How to Save Money Working with a Web Developer:

How to Save Money Working with a Web Developer:

Okay, so you've finally decided to finally, finally build your website, and you've chosen the web developer you want to work with, YAY! Those are two huge obstacles you've already overcome. But your business is small (or nonexistent- yet!), so you want to make sure...

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Website Color Palettes

Website Color Palettes

Sometimes the hardest part of building a DIY website is just picking the colors! There are soooo many options to choose from, and it can be hard to know what works well together. Here are a few trending website color palettes that you can pick from to get you started....

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How do Headings Work on Websites?

How do Headings Work on Websites?

If you're building a DIY website or working on your website's SEO, you've probably come across headings. Headings and subheadings are used to structure your content. They tell the reader (and search engines) what text is more important and less important on the page....

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How to Structure a Web Page

How to Structure a Web Page

For any type of creative activity, staring at a blank page can be so overwhelming that we just never start. But if you've been trying for ages to build your website, the last thing you need is more time spent staring at a blank page. But sometimes, you just genuinely...

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What’s a Featured Image? (And why do I need it?)

What’s a Featured Image? (And why do I need it?)

This is one of those WordPress things that sounds complicated, but is actually super super simple. However, don't let that fool you! Featured images are still super important. It's an easy way you can help your blog look more professional while helping with social...

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How to Make a Blog Roll Page

How to Make a Blog Roll Page

When I first started my teaching blog, I remember thinking, 'mmmmm, blog roll sounds delicious!' Obviously, back in 2012, I had no idea what I was doing. I definitely didn't know a blog post from a blog roll. But now, I've been a freelance web developer for 6+ years,...

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Free SEO Plugin for WordPress

Free SEO Plugin for WordPress

If you're just starting your website, you're definitely going to need some help with SEO. SEO stands for 'search engine optimization.' It's the process of getting more traffic to your website, by getting it to show up when people search for things on Google (or Bing,...

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How to Become a Freelance Web Developer

How to Become a Freelance Web Developer

Web development is an amazing career choice! Especially in this post-pandemic world, so many of us want to work remotely, and web dev is a great option. Being a freelancer is not always easy, though! But, it's worth it to have the freedom, flexibility, and work/ life...

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How to Style Blog Posts in WordPress

How to Style Blog Posts in WordPress

Many people choose WordPress as the platform for their blog. And there are lots of reasons why! WordPress is generally considered the best option for blogging because of the way it manages content and has structures like tags, categories, and archives to organize that...

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How do I update my WP site?

How do I update my WP site?

Maybe you have a new WordPress site, or you just switched from another platform to WP. Or, maybe you're still deciding what platform to use and you want to make sure you'll be able to update your WordPress site on your own. Do you need to know how to update your...

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DIY website: What plugins do I need?

DIY website: What plugins do I need?

With so many free plugins out there, it can be very tempting to start adding them to your site willy-nilly. More is better, and they’re free, so why not, right?  (Also, what's a plugin?) Wrong.  Plugins can actually cause more harm than good, so add them to...

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Seo and Building a Website:

Seo and Building a Website:

Here's what you need to know about SEO before you start building your website: I love that you’re thinking ahead to seo and having your site come up in Google searches, really. But let’s also keep in mind that you have to have an actual website that is live on the...

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10: How to Backup and Maintain your Website

10: How to Backup and Maintain your Website

This is Day 10 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, on how to backup and maintain your website. If you missed Day 9, on Building your WordPress Menu & Footer, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY mobile...

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9: WordPress Menu and Footer

9: WordPress Menu and Footer

This is Day 9 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, on how to set up a wordpress menu and footer. If you missed Day 8, on Building a Mobile Responsive Website, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY mobile responsive...

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8: Building a DIY Mobile Responsive Website

8: Building a DIY Mobile Responsive Website

This is Day 8 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, on building a DIY mobile responsive website. If you missed Day 7, on Designing your Home Page, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY mobile responsive website up...

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7: Add Design

7: Add Design

This is Day 7 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, design your own website. If you missed Day 6, on Building your Home Page, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! Get out all your notes on...

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6: How to Build a Home Page

6: How to Build a Home Page

This is Day 6 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, on how to build a home page for your website. If you missed Day 5, on Organizing your Content, you can find it here. The goal is that, at the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! YAY!...

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5: How to Organize Your Website Content

5: How to Organize Your Website Content

This is Day 5 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, on how to organize your website content. If you missed Day 4, on Collecting Content, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! This is one of...

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4: Collect Content

4: Collect Content

This is Day 4 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge, on how to collect content for your website. If you missed Day 3, on Connecting Everything, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! Do you want...

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3: Connect Everything

3: Connect Everything

This is Day 3 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge. If you missed Day 2, on Functionality & Choosing a Platform, you can find it here. Of course, the goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! Okay, buckle up, this is...

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2: Functionality & Platform

2: Functionality & Platform

This is Day 2 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge. If you missed Day 1, on Branding & Style, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! DIY Website Functionality... in other words: What do you...

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1: Branding & Style

1: Branding & Style

This is Day 1 of the 10 day Build Your Website Challenge. If you missed the challenge overview, you can find it here. The goal is that, by the end of 10 days, you'll have your DIY website up and running! Part 1: Branding your DIY website.   This is your logo, colors,...

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What kind of website does your business need?

What kind of website does your business need?

So you have your new business, right? And now you need a website, yeah? But even just thinking about it leaves you feeling overwhelmed and stressed and you want to pour maple syrup on your laptop and go hide in the closet? No? Just me?? Building a website for your...

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I have a WordPress site, but I hate it. 

I have a WordPress site, but I hate it. 

Oh, you hate your WordPress website? I hear you. I get a lot of clients with this problem, as well. They hired a cut rate web developer, or their friend’s nephew took a stab at it, or they tried to DIY it and took bad advice and gave up. Maybe there are some thing you...

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What pages does a website need?

What pages does a website need?

If you're building a new website or revising your current site, you might be wondering what pages you need to have. Of course, you can start with just one page, and a lot of websites do that. Some of them even just stay with one page for longer periods of time, until...

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How to Install Divi on your WordPress Site

How to Install Divi on your WordPress Site

Okay, so you've decided to go with WordPress and Divi for your website (wise!). But now what? How do you actually put the Divi things on your website? It's actually surprisingly easy! It's a lot of steps, but none of the steps are difficult. So if you keep going and...

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Hosting Options

Hosting Options

If you're new to web development or building your own DIY website, you might have heard the word 'hosting' but not really know what it means. Hosting is where your website is actually stored on the internet. Much like a storage unit for actual stuff, you'll need to...

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Choosing a Website Platform

Choosing a Website Platform

There are lots of options out there for building your website nowadays, but choosing a website platform can be overwhelming. In fact, you might feel like you don't even know where to start or what the choices are. Let's take a look at 3 of the post popular options:...

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What about mobile responsiveness? 

What about mobile responsiveness? 

Mobile responsive means that a website changes its shape and layout to fit different sizes of screens. So, a website looks a certain way on a desktop computer, because that screen is larger and more horizontal. But, when you view that same website on a tablet or...

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Glossary of Website Terms

Glossary of Website Terms

If you're trying to build your own DIY website, it can be confusing with all of the new vocabulary floating around. I remember trying to make sense of all the web development jargon when I was first learning to code and build websites. To help you out, here's a handy...

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I’m Frustrated with WordPress.  

I’m Frustrated with WordPress.  

Are you having a hard time with WordPress? Are you frustrated because you can't make the changes or edits that you want? Do you feel like you change one thing and then three others break? Do you feel like it should be a lot simpler to just add in a picture or change a...

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How to start an email list

How to start an email list

If you're building a website for your business, or if you already have one up and running, you might want to also add an email list. This is a list that people can subscribe to with their email address. Once people agree to be on your list, you'll be able to email...

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FAQs about WordPress & Divi

FAQs about WordPress & Divi

Sure, the WordPress/ Divi combo sounds great. WordPress is a powerful platform used by companies big and small around the globe. And Divi is a wildly popular theme built for WordPress and used by both professionals and DIY-ers. But, is it the best solution for me and...

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How do I back up my website?

How do I back up my website?

Worried about how to back up your website? How to back up your site with a plug in. This one is very easy!! You just need a free plug in (like an app for WordPress) to do the backups for you. You set it up and run it once (super easy, if it takes you longer than 15...

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How do I log in to my WordPress? 

How do I log in to my WordPress? 

What logins and passwords do I need for my WordPress & Divi site? How do I even log in to WordPress? You basically have 3 parts to a WordPress website:  1. WordPress Once you have everything set up, you’ll only need to log in here. This is where you can run all...

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Should I hire a web developer or DIY my website?

Should I hire a web developer or DIY my website?

This is an important question, if you should hire a freelance web developer or DIY your own website! Of course, the answer is different for every business owner or blogger. Some people naturally feel more comfortable doing things themselves and would prefer not to...

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What is Divi?

Divi is a WordPress theme. It has a visual builder that lets you easily construct the pages of your website, by dragging and dropping, clicking to edit, etc. It’s intuitive, but there are also tons of easy to follow tutorials if you do get stuck.

You set up your WordPress site, add Divi as a theme, and add in your license number, and then you’re all set to build your own website! Use a pre-made layout or start from scratch. Either way, all you need to do is drag and drop the different modules (images, text, whatever you need!) and add in your own words and pictures. You can do as much or as little as you like, but it’s all easy to do on your own.

What if I need more help or have questions?

No problem!! If you have questions about Divi, their support team is always available to help.

Can you just do it for me?


If you need a web developer to help you when you get stuck, or if you just want someone to do it for you, reach out via my contact page and I’m happy to help!