Your website could look this good...
This is an example Sales Page. It can be customized to fit your brand, style, and content. You can offer products, services, or both!
Obviously, because we’re amazing.
Everything we touch turns to gold. And candy.
Everything we touch turns to gold. And candy.
We love our customers!! You’re a super star!
Our staff is super qualified.
We work with anyone, anywhere… as long as we have wifi!
Everyone loves us!! They leave us wonderful testimonials.
Work with us, we’ll save you time!
Yep. We are just awesome. Plain & simple.
Plans and Pricing
This is just an example pricing table with made up numbers. You can have as many options & columns as you want for your offers.
Need a web developer? Life Coach? Social media consultant? Virtual Assistant? Travel Agent? Copywriter? We offer exactly what you need! (Just kidding, no one does all of that!)
web developer
I make the best websites. No one makes better websites than I do.
virtual assistant
I make the best to do lists. No one makes better to do lists than I do.
life coach
I make the best life decisions. No one makes better life decisions than I do.
travel agent
I make the best travel arrangements. No one makes better travel arrangements than I do.
social media consultant
I make the best social media posts. No one makes better social media posts than I do.
I make the best copy. No one makes better copy than I do.
what people are saying…

You are the best ever!! I love your work. It’s better than a unicorn pooping rainbows.
Thanks for saving me so much money! And time. And stress. And probably my job, to be honest…

Made everything so simple & easy to understand! You saved me from having to drink wine out of the bottle while crying under my desk.
frequently asked questions
Can you make me a website?
Yes, I can! I’ll make you a beautiful site, using colors & fonts that you choose. Use your own images or I’ll add stock ones for you. It’ll even match your brand & style, because I’m that good.
But you're going to charge me like a million dollars, right?
Nope… I’m offering a great deal on basic websites because I know how hard it is to get started. Basically, for not much more than the cost of the theme, you can have your site done for you, by a real developer.
How long is this going to take?
Once I have all of your content & design choices, it only takes 2-3 days for me to build a basic site.
What about updates?
I’m a real developer, with a developer license for the themes I use. I’ll set you up with an API key (don’t worry, you don’t need to know what that is!), so you’ll always have access to updates for the themes and plug-ins I install on your site.