wordpress.org vs wordpress.com

wordpress.org vs wordpress.com

Which Platform is Right for You? When it comes to building a website or blog, WordPress is a name that often comes to mind. However, there can be some confusion surrounding the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com. Both platforms offer powerful tools for...
what are keywords? 

what are keywords? 

Keywords are the building blocks of seo. So you might think, okay, well, I just need to get my website built and I can worry about seo later. And that’s true, to some extent. But if you can understand the concepts and pick a few keywords before you start, you’ll save...
SEO basics for new websites

SEO basics for new websites

SEO, search engine optimization, is an entire industry. Google makes and breaks entire companies with their algorithms and ranking systems. Larger companies have entire SEO teams who work full time on keeping their site at the top of the search. So what about us...